Tuesday, September 9, 2008

McCain and Palin on Abortion

When asked by a prominent preacher when life begins, McCain quickly replied "at conception." If that is true, than a woman using a birth control pill that prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus is a murderer. And the doctor, the pharmacist, and everyone else involved in the production and distribution of these pills could also be co-conspirators. If anyone performs an abortion, he or she is a murderer by this logic. McCain used to be pro-life, or at least allowed it if the mother's wife is endangered or this was a case of rape or incest. He apparently has changed his thinking in order to get conservative support. He says he will appoint Supreme Court judges who are "strict constructionists," persons who oppose abortion. On Oprah's show he said that Roe v. Wade was a bad decision by the Supreme Court.

Palin is opposed to abortion, even if it is a case of rape or incest. If McCain tempers his position, changes his mind again, she will still be just a 7o some year old heart's beat away from the Presidency.

Before the Supreme Court legalized abortion, I worked with gang kids in Chicago for a couple of years. One of the things I did was visit with them in their homes. The kids in the gang joked that "William's" dad was a doctor. I tried to visit him in a slum apartment house. He would not let me in the apartment door. I saw that a woman was laying on the kitchen table. That's how abortions were handled back then. Abortions will still take place if the Supreme Court changes its mind, and most will be in places like that. A person who is raped finds her life being put at risk again if she gets an abortion. And then she could face criminal prosecution.

In my 40 years of experience of counselling families, decisions on abortions were heart-rending experiences for all involved. A young girl or any woman who has been raped should have some say in whether she carries this fetus or not.

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